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Prof. Dr. Vibeke Backer

Prof. Dr. Vibeke Backer



Medical Education

University of Copenhagen




Prof. Vibeke Backer, MD, DMSc, is a Professor in the upper and lower airway, global airways, at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery & Audiology at Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, in Copenhagen Denmark. Vibeke Backer has been a professor of asthma since 2011 and until 2019, Prof. Backer was the initiator and leader of the research at the Department of Pulmonary Medicine at Bispebjerg Hospital - a department she helped establish. In her research career, Vibeke Backer has achieved remarkable results. Prof. Vibeke Backer has built up a national pulmonary medicine network for pharmacological industrial research, a model for NEXT, now Trial Nation, a national public-private partnership with one entrance to improve Denmark's opportunities for industry-based pharmacological research. Vibeke Backer has diligently published scientific articles since 1981, with over 400 published articles and is a developer and former Editor-in-Chief of the Clinical Respiratory Journal. Currently, she is deputy editor at the European Clinical Respiratory Journal.